Department of invitation and thought, AlImam Al Adham college, Baghdad, Iraq.
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2025, 14(02), 173-182
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2025.14.2.0070
Received on 05 January 2025; revised on 11 February 2025; accepted on 14 February 2025
In the digital era we live, the education produces huge amount of data from different resources like learning management system, electronic tests, students records. Educational Data Mining is the discovery of hidden useful knowledge and pattern in educational data concerned with studying and analyzing data from academic database, which is very large datasets to reveal main concept and relationships that improves education process and making more precise decisions. In this paper we explored common data mining techniques and their application in educational context, were automatically used to extract knowledge from huge datasets in the form of patterns and relationships review a set of criteria with a group of impact factors on each then describing percent of impacting.
Today, educational data faces the biggest challenges are the rapid growth of data and using it to improve educational system for the students and their performance, different data mining methods works and process data in various data mining tasks like: clustering, classification, association rule, prediction. This paper offers a review of the latest data mining techniques application in education including improving teacher and student’s learning performance, course adaptation, predicting drop-out students, knowledge discovery on academic achievement and Enhancing academic research also describe benefit and challenges that faced
Educational Data Mining (EDM); Data Mining (DM); Education; Student’s learning performance
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Zahraa Raji Alzobaidy. Data mining application in education. World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2025, 14(02), 173-182. Article DOI:
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