Senior Software Engineer, Asurion, USA.
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2025, 14(02), 001–010
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2025.14.2.0034
Received on 23 December 2024; revised on 01 February 2025; accepted on 04 February 2025
This research paper aims at focusing on the concepts of cross-border cybersecurity cooperation because of compounding and diversifying international threats. In the modern world, it becomes increasingly important to understand that the problem of cyber threats requires international cooperation. The paper explores the nature and patterns of cybersecurity threats and cyber aggressive actions throughout the world, types of cyber warfare attacks and penetration, and their socio-political and economic implications. Special emphasis is made on such threats as artificial intelligence-based attackers, APTs and the use of blockchain by cyber criminals. Discussing the rationale of the study, special emphasis is placed about evaluating the effectiveness of the international cooperation in the cybersecurity domain. This paper analyses the costs that are financial, logistical, and political, when nations develop cooperation networks, share information, and adopt global laws designed to protect cyberspace. It also explores the advantages such as the avoidance of costly cyber threats, the acceleration to higher threat recognition, and increased global security. The evaluation highlights the potential of cooperation to ensure substantial cost advantages to contain cyber threats and minimize the effect of cyber events. As a measure of cost savings, the study employs numerical tables and hypothetical cost saving scenarios to provide evidence of increased value of the collaboration activity in comparison to the cost of the activity. The paper has shown that international cooperation is not only an economic reality but also a strategic imperative as a means of how to fight cyber threats. Proposed strategies for increasing the level and quality of cross-border cooperation are given with reference to enhancing legal support for cooperation, expanding the exchange of information, and investing in joint cybersecurity assets. By bundling efforts on international level, countries can create more secure future for the digital world and be prepared for new kinds of threats that are beyond the capabilities of common antivirus software, and which can cause significant losses for businesses.
Cross-border; Cyberattacks; Threat; Global
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Siva Krishna Jampani. Cross-border cybersecurity collaboration-building a global framework for threat. World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2025, 14(02), 001–010. Article DOI:
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